Tuesday, May 3, 2011

150 Gallons of Wine

His big debut was not raising a corpse or the healing of a disease, it wasn't the exorcism of demons or even feeding a hungry crowd, the miracle that Jesus chose to kick off His three years of ministry was turning six, 20-30 gallon barrels of water into the most delicious wine ever tasted.

The first miracle that Christ ever performed was not restoring a deformed limb but restoring a family's reputation. It was not a life-threatening situation, it was an inconvenience. This is the only time on record that the Remedy remedied a mere embarrassing circumstance. Shouldn't He have been performing a miracle for someone who really needed it?

Well, He was and He did. I needed this miracle, the world needed this miracle. It is a simple message for the human race, "I care about every aspect of your life. Big or small." He weeps for the diseases that wreak havoc on our lives, He wraps His arms around us when we lose someone close to us, He holds our heart when it is breaking, but the most ridiculous thing is that He also sees and cares about the minute details of our everyday life. He doesn't just show up in a crisis. He cares about disasters and death, but He also cares about pimples and botched parties. Rumors, lost keys, stage fright, flat tires and high electric bills are neither beneath His attention nor His reach.

No matter what Jesus' first miracle had been His outrageous love would be the same, but I love the beautiful way in which He chose to show it.

Oh, by the way, it was wine not grape juice.

Friday, April 22, 2011

My new, more interesting, less theological blog:

Check it

Monday, January 4, 2010

"My grace is sufficient"

The outrageous thing about God is His grace. Everything about God's grace is free. You can never earn it, it is for everyone, you can reject it if you want to and you can throw it away at any point. God is not only gracious, but He is a gracious Gentleman; He will never force His grace upon you.

The term "grace" has often been used in an obtuse manner, so I am going to try to clarify the four different parts of God's grace.

Common Grace - This part of grace is the cause of anything good in the world. Beauty in creation, kind acts of others and all the other blessings we see around us are because of God's grace. This part of grace also limits the evil in the world. Authorities are God's ministers (Romans 13:6) and while they are fallible, they are part of God's plan to restrain evil in the world. Common grace is the reason there are "good" sinners; while the world is fallen, there is still a sense of right and wrong and everyone can choose to do right. Sinners have the propensity for good acts, and while this alone won't get anyone into heaven, if it weren't for common grace the evil of the world would be unimaginable. Everyone can take that grace or reject it. Much of this grace works through the conscience, so people do have the ability to ignore their conscience and go right ahead with whatever they please. James 1:17 Romans 13:6

Prevenient Grace - Without this we are without hope. The separation that occurred at The Fall is much greater than we sometimes realize. There is nothing in us that can get to God, He had to come to us. God's prevenient grace is the calling grace. A decision to follow Christ never occurs without first being preceded by prevenient grace. It is what enables us to choose salvation. For you to even want to want God in your life is His prevenient grace. We don't just have a conviction switch in us that we can turn off or on at will; don't be so smug as to think you can somehow come to God at any point whenever you want. God has to call us. This part of grace is what  makes us want to seek God. John 6:44 John 1:9

Saving (Justifying) Grace - This is what the prevenient grace recognizes. It was made possible by Jesus' death and resurrection. It is what ushers us back into a right relationship with God and the means by which a person makes it to heaven. This part of grace forgives sin. It doesn't just cover your sin, it erases it. This is the transforming part of grace, it makes you into a "new creature". This grace is capable of making a prostitute pure, a liar truthful, and a murderer kind. If you choose to accept this grace into your life, it will radically revolutionize you. 2 Corinthians 5:17 John 14:6 Romans 10:9

Keeping (Sanctifying) Grace - The keeping part of God's grace is what gives us the ability to walk with Him and finally make it to heaven. It is no less important than the other parts because if God merely saved us then left us to our own devices we would be a frustrated mess; knowing there was something better but unable to achieve it. What kind of God would He be if He had the power to forgive past sins but couldn't help us overcome sin in the present? This part of grace is the little voice that guides the new Christian. It draws us closer to Christ and makes us more like Him. When we are faced with temptation, the strength we find to fight it comes from this keeping grace. God has promised that no temptation would overtake us for which He doesn't have an escape route planned. 1 Corinthians 10:13 Isaiah 58:11 Psalms 48:14

Do not abase the grace of God by confining it to the sinner at the altar, His grace is so much more than that.
God has given us blessings and the ability to be up-standing citizens even without being in a relationship with Him, He has come down to us and called us to Him because we were helpless on our own, He forgives and provides a way of salvation for us, and He has promised to stay with us to make us holy until the end of our journey.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Your Nearness Is To Us Our Good

I am happy with where I am spiritually, and I also am very discontent. I've learned and grown a lot, and with that growth I find myself wanting more. God has been challenging me to move forward and to move up. I have to remind myself that if I am not drawing closer to God, then I am moving away. Stagnant Christians eventually aren't Christians at all. That's something that God has been talking to me about, guarding myself against stagnancy and lethargy. I want this next year to be a year of growth, at the end of 2010 I don't want to find myself at the same place I am now. I know that is so cliche, but it's vividly true to me.
I've become more keenly aware of the Holy Spirit speaking to me and dealing with me. However, contrary to previous notions, His presence is not constricting and demanding, but rather sweet and beautiful. God "working" in a life always meant, to me, that they were becoming more conservative; as if drawing closer to Him always meant the giving up of something. Sometimes something does need to be given up, but He has taught me that when I come to Him and seek Him, my life becomes fuller and I become a more beautiful person.
I'm rediscovering the importance of prayer and praise, and that God doesn't just want my attendance at church but my participation as well. I'm realizing that if I want to see my church move forward, which I desperately do, it starts with me and my life. Closing out this year, I'm praying that God will help me to want Him more, that He will help me in my prayer life, my church life, and my life life.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Challenge Your Faith

I came across this website and ended up spending an exorbitant amount of time on it. I encourage you to check it out, and please don't exit in righteous indignation. Maybe I'm the only one who likes to challenge my faith, but I'm really into apologetics right now and reading these arguments from real people has been very enlightening. It's not enough for me to be able to ramble off a list of facts that I memorized from one of my books, I need to have real answers to real questions. There were some things on there that I have been taught the truth about but there were other things that I don't know how to argue with at this point, but I'm going to search until I find answers. So, if you go there and know all the answers to their objections, maybe you could teach me something.
I'm not endorsing any of this or anything, I just don't want to stay in my little bubble of church and Christianity where I am no help to anyone. I like knowing what atheists are saying, otherwise I'll never be able to assist anyone who has these doubts.

In my own pilgrimage, if I have to choose between a faith that has stared doubt in the eye and made it blink, or a naive faith that has never known the firing line of doubt, I will choose the former every time.
-Gary Parker

Monday, April 20, 2009

Abundant Life

There is, I believe, a god that many people have without realizing it. I did. I think this god is a huge threat especially to young people, even more specifically Christian young people. This god, like every other one, is something innocent and legitimate that we control, but when left unsupervised it slowly controls too much of us. We become addicted to it.


The dictionary defines fun as something that provides amusement or enjoyment, laughing, life, entertainment. We want to live a little. Fun, to me, is anything that makes me feel alive. Something invigorating. Something that makes me feel fulfilled. Isn't that what we all want?

Sometimes Christianity doesn't fit in very well with our yearning to have fun. Following God omits a significant amount of "fun" stuff, telling God that He can have everything means giving up some enjoyment. It means passing up that beer when everyone else is drinking and laughing. It means not flirting with that woman. It means not watching that movie that is really funny but you know the humor is inappropriate. It means not going to that unscrupulous company party. It means not giving away your virginity before marriage. It means not joining in that gossip. It means not wearing that attention-getting outfit. It means not using that swear word even though it would make the joke so much funnier. So we feel like we have to choose. Focus on ourselves and have fun or serve God? I'm afraid that too often we choose the former. For many people the roadblock to the Cross is not unbelief in God or anger at God, but a longing for something that they believe He will take - fun.
Even as Christians, I think that sometimes we hold back...just a little. Maybe not in something specific, but in the back of our mind we don't want to let God have it all because He just might take our fun away. And the battle can be intense.

So, is it an either/or matter? Either we enjoy ourselves or we take the straight and narrow and settle for a life of tedium? Is it true that the closer you get to God, the less you enjoy yourself? As if a little of your personality dies as you draw closer to Him?

We are created in God's image. You have personality because God has personality. You love to laugh because God created you to laugh. You want to feel alive because God made you that way. Jesus was not a kill-joy, read about His life, He brought joy to a rigid, hopeless and joy-less generation.

Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. (Ps. 37:4) Delighting yourself in the doesn't say simply serving God, or even obeying God's rules, it uses the word "delight". So I have to believe that God doesn't intend Christianity to just be some awful way of life that we submit to in order to avoid hell. John 10:10 "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." It's enjoying the fullness of life through a relationship with Christ. Now to say that God is "fun" would be cheapening Him, but in Him you can be delighted, fulfilled and feel the most alive. Jesus came to bring abundant life. Also, the desires that we have are God-given and are meant to be fulfilled through Him and in His way. "All sin is a warped attempt to meet a God-given need." (Richard Miles) God created in us a NEED to enjoy life, thus, He created a proper way to fulfill it. This verse doesn't mean, however, that if we are Christians that we will get whatever we want and everything will be pleasant. (I'm not Joel Osteen)

Another disclaimer, this doesn't mean that if you aren't a Christian that you will be miserable or that sin ISN'T "fun". Hebrews 11:25 talks about the "pleasures of sin for a season." Sin is pleasurable for a season. That season could be 2 weeks or 40 years, but in the end it will leave you empty and nothing can compare to a life lived the way it was meant to be lived.

Seek fun first and you will be sorely disappointed, but seek God first and you will have abundant life.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Misplaced Ardor

I like God.

He's neat. I love learning about Him. I love that He is fathomless and that I can never know everything about Him. Yet, He reveals Himself to us in little pieces that, to my mind at least, are SO profound. I love when someone or something makes me think of another aspect of God or even of an old truth in a new way. I love talking about Him, writing about Him, reading about Him, thinking about Him.

However due to all of this, I have, in my priorities, replaced my relationship WITH God for learning ABOUT Him. I got focused on the study of God so I slacked off in talking TO Him and listening for His voice. I so enjoyed the theology and loved the meditation but I wasn't IN love with Christ, which is what I want so badly. Now mind you, this wasn't premeditated or intentional. I suppose that I felt that because I had talked about God or written a blog about Him that I had been WITH Him. Thus, prayer and Bible reading times became few and far between. I might would tell you just HOW scarce they were, save for fear of excommunication.

I still love writing and talking about my Lord, after all He is my everything, but I am aspiring to give my relationship with Him first place.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Mere Christianity, a must read

In C.S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity, he takes us on an intellectual journey, strewn with striking metaphors that even the most unlearned mind can comprehend. This odyssey tears down all our preconceptions about theology and God to bring us face to face with raw, unadulterated truth. Common sense and logic join with perspicaciousness to reveal to us a new and fresh picture of a very old, and many times misunderstood, religion. Starting out without the assumption of a God, Lewis’s practical yet intellectual analogies brings us to the conclusion that there is indeed a God, and that His way is real and works.
“Creatures are not born with desires unless satisfaction for those desires exists…If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world…Probably earthly pleasures were never meant to satisfy it, but only to arouse it, to suggest the real thing.” This is one of my favorite excerpts from the book. It makes perfect sense, yet on my own I most likely would have never thought of it like that.
I’ve grown up in church, surrounded by Christianity, but I’ve never been forced to think through what I believe and see why it was true. Mere Christianity made me think and discover new truths. It helped me form beliefs and opinions. It took me down the path of Christianity and philosophy. In the end, I came to an improved and deeper knowledge and understanding of the faith I hold dear.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


In my family there is my dad and mom (Joel and Freida) of course. Then all the children (all biological). Here's the list with ages and a little about them.

Caleb Thomas - 21 yrs Strong personality, smart, he's the leader
Me- 19 yrs I don't even know
William Jonathan - 15 yrs Quiet, loves nature
Rebekah Rene ( nicknamed mommy) - 13 yrs Tender, timid, there's more than meets the eye
Sarah Ruth - 12 yrs Unpredictable, off-the-wall, nurse at heart
Martha Joy - 10 yrs Animal lover, curious,
Mary Kate - 8 yrs (DS) Strong-willed and determined but tender underneath, sneaky
Joseph Luke - 7 yrs Quiet and intelligent, nerd, witty and funny
Joshua George - 6 yrs (DS) Loving, animated, clown, full of hugs
Judah Duncan Jadon - 2 yrs Cute, still the baby, demands attention, Mama's boy

Now, I've heard that some people who might think that's a lot and a rather excessive amount of children, and I used to think it was pretty ridiculous myself. However, upon years of first-hand observation, I think that the pros of this large amount of family members far outweighs the cons. Here are some things that I think need to be understood. Mary Kate and Josh are Down Syndrome. Josh was born with a hole in his heart and had surgery at 6 months to fix it. He hasn't had any problems since then. They have speech apraxia, which is basically they learn to say words but their brains can't retain it. Wikipedia gave me a weird definition. But anyway, they could say things for awhile then they would forget. Sometimes they can say something, sometimes they can't. Also, they have poor oral skills so they can't form certain consonants. Also, Mary Kate has diabetes and requires insulin shots before every meal. So they take a lot of extra care. However, they are the most beautiful and cheerful people I know. They honestly can always brighten my day. They never tire of giving hugs to anyone and everyone.

Because of so many people in one house, there is always lots of noise which sometimes blossoms into chaos. Fights break out sometimes. Meals are always a big ordeal and require a long clean-up. There is never a dull moment, my family could sit and tell ridiculous stories for hours. People say we should write a book, I don't know who would find the time to actually do it. Trips to our hometown in Missouri are long, and sometimes awful. Our 15 passenger van (when carrying 12) gives little space for those of us who require a lot of it.

My family is my circle of friends, they make me happy and make me laugh. My dad has the best sense of humor, he's so funny. My mom is sweet and worries about us all the time, she can be funny too, and when she is, it's almost better than my dad (Papa) because you aren't expecting it.

Having a big family teaches us kids how to deal with people. You have to share, you have to work out problems yourself. Mama can't run to every single little conflict. It makes you more responsible (I know, none of my classmates believe it). Plus, whenever you get tired of playing with one kid, there's always another to go hang out with. Imagination was huge in our family, mostly me I guess, but you could rally all the siblings and pretend anything. Orphanage, army, run-away (personal favorite), pet shop, hospital, POWs...there was no limit.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Realms of Glory

All of us have some preconceived mental picture of Heaven. As a kid, I always had an idea of what I thought Heaven was, but then I'd read in Revelation and it sounded so different from what I'd day-dreamed about. To be honest, I would feel...disappointed. Is that awful? We read about the streets of gold, the six-winged creatures full of eyes, the gates of pearl and sometimes, it just doesn't sound that appealing. Jasper and sardine stone is not really what I am striving for. A city surrounded by gem walls and gates of pearl aren't exactly what paradise is to me. We know, of course, that being in God's presence is enough, but in my finite mind, I just wonder...

With the cherubim and seraphim all praising God, with the beasts all surrounding the throne, will I be able to approach the Savior I love? Will I wait a thousand years and one day to touch the scars on Christ's hand and look into His smiling eyes? Are we Christians going to float about in wispy white gowns and play harps?

Sometimes I hope that at some point in eternity, the forever that we can't comprehend, that I can dance on the clouds, singing praise to my best Friend. I hope I can climb a rainbow, then slide back down into the arms of Christ. I hope I can fly, so I can soar through the stars, still marveling at God's creation. I hope I can ride a storm cloud and watch the lightning from above for once. "That's impossible", you scoff. So is resurrection from the grave. In the words of Max Lucado "Impossible is God's favorite word." I hope there are flowers in Heaven, more beautiful than any on earth. I hope there are hills and woods that I can run through, no longer bound by time and physical weakness. I hope I can make beautiful music for my Yahweh. I hope my mansion has diamond prisms that will reflect the light of God's glory. I wonder if there will be colors that we don't know about yet, I wonder if we'll be able to breathe underwater.

I hope that I recognize friends and family. I have to believe that if God is so concerned with relationships while we are on earth then when we get to Heaven relationships is going to be the reoccurring theme. The Bible tells us that God will say to those faithful Christians "Well done, thou good and faithful servant." That's singular, not plural. He isn't going to gather all the saints in a huge assembly and say "Welcome home, good and faithful servants." But He is going to talk to ALL of us individually.

If God is creative and powerful enough to create each of us so very diversely, isn't it possible that he could create Heaven with enough different features for each of us? He had every one of us in mind as He prepared a home for us.

He is "able to do exceeding, abundantly above all that you could ask or think" so let your imagination run wild. You won't be disappointed.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Cure

I’m afraid sometimes I forget or maybe get used to the pure JOY of living with Jesus in my heart. Not that I’m ungrateful or I’m losing salvation but I forget that I am nothing and that God is everything and he bridged the infinite gap between us. I was without a hope and He sent the ultimate Hope. I was lost and undone and He rescued me. I want to be enamored with Christ and walk with Him and REJOICE in Him. He is my reason for living.

I am a nanny for a millionaire family. Three spoiled kids who I care for with undying patience (note the sarcasm) and two parents who live on vodka and red wine. The parents go from party to party, from vacation to vacation, hoping to make themselves happy. So ‘successful’ yet so meaningless. They don’t want to raise their children so they hire me to do it. They say “I love you” and it means nothing. They plaster smiles and fake enthusiasm yet it’s all a façade. Sometimes I can see the hopelessness in her eyes silently pleading “Isn’t there something MORE?” Her face begs for something real. I see the emptiness and I witness firsthand how dry and pointless a life lived for self is.

I come to a stop at the stoplight, to my left is a man wearing an old gray sweatshirt, he is unshaven and holds a piece of cardboard that reads “WWII veteran. Homeless. Hungry.” Tears come to my eyes…not because I’m thoroughly convinced of the message written in Sharpie on his sign, but because of the message written on his face. “I am broken. My life has no meaning. I am hungry in my heart more than in my body. Enslaved. Hurting. Hopeless.”


Yet, too many times my mouth stays closed and my face remains emotionless. I walk out of their home; I drive on in my car, willing the pain in my heart to ease. They have a fatal disease that ravages the body and the mind and I have the cure. I know the One who could heal them in an instant. I hold in myself the Hope of all ages. What a wretch am I, to suppress such a gift.

Monday, October 20, 2008

On Buddhism

Gautama Buddha spent most of his life trying to find the meaning of life. He sought truth. What he finally came up with was: that one should love everyone as a brother, that we should deny ourselves to help others and that the only way our trials and suffering could be relieved is to help others. Is that true? Pain in life comes from our selfish desires and if we will just help others our problems will be gone? While I agree that we should help other and love everyone, I have to ask, where does that love come from? Why should we love them? Who gives us the ability to do good? Buddha never taught about God. So if it isn't God helping us, then who? In ourselves we cannot truly love. Many people are "good" people. They are nice and get along with people, but deep down they don't have peace and their goodness is only superficial. Their love is merely the carnal love for people who treat them right. It's true that some problems in life come from our selfishness and we know that all pain and suffering is a result of the Fall but not all come directly from our selfishness. The hurricane that killed 200 people, even many loving, selfless people, was it caused by them? The child who will never walk because of a birth defect, did his self-centeredness do that? And yes, our constant focus on ourselves is a problem. However, can we in our own strength overcome it? By what power do we change something that was in us before birth? We need assistance from Someone higher, an all-powerful God who can shape us into something better. Without God, all reason for love and goodness would disappear. A happy and peaceful life cannot rely on our own futile efforts. I guess what I'm trying to say is "Virtue without God is nothing."

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Cut my life into pieces...this is my last resort

In the teen culture today there has become an increasing amount of "cutters". Self-mutilation is not as unheard of as it used to be. There are close to 3 million cutters in America. The majority of them are girls; women tend to turn anger towards themselves whereas men direct anger at others. I absolutely loathe the attitude that a lot of people (Christians) have toward cutters or even just the gothic/emo lifestyle (for lack of a better word). I hear comments at various times that frustrate me to no end. People think it’s weird, creepy, scary, or stupid. They have this idea that those people are so strange and almost evil, they’re intimidated and freaked out by them. They want nothing to do with these types of people. They think that people cut themselves for attention, sometimes teens cut themselves so someone will notice and hopefully care, but many times cutters hide the scars so no one can see so that's not usually the core reason. I mean come on, it's self-inflicted pain. Cutting is a poor coping mechanism. People who cut have something that they don't know how to deal with. It usually starts as a ‘I’m hurting inside, I need (want) to express it’ mentality. Sometimes they do it as a means of punishing themselves. Cutters often say “I would rather feel pain on the outside than feel pain inside.” It’s the same concept as when you have a splinter in your pinkie and you pinch your index finger to take away from the pain from the splinter. It’s a distraction. It also many times comes from the need to feel alive. They feel numb inside, like they're sinking into oblivion so they cut and hurt themselves to feel something. Also, when you get an open wound your body secretes a healing endorphin that rushes to the wound but it also goes all through your bloodstream, making you feel a little better for a moment, it's almost a high. I’m not trying to normalize or legitimize it, I just want people to get past the craziness of it and reach out. It IS bizarre and weird, but rather than say “That’s creepy and irrational” and leave them in that category, we need to realize it’s sad and very serious, understand why, and then move on to lead them to the Healer.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Nature of God

God is fathomless. Human minds can't comprehend Him. God can't be put in a neatly wrapped package of what He is thought to be. God wouldn't be God if He could be reduced to finite understanding. However, if God is ever to be even partially known, His eminent characteristics must first be considered.
God is forever, always has been and always will be. He is El-Olam, Everlasting God. He is Alpha and Omega. He is the I AM. God was not created and will never die. He transcends time and space and is not confined to days and hours. God is ubiquitous, everywhere, always and forever.
God is fearsome. He is omniscient and omnipotent. He is righteous and holy. His very name, Yahweh, gave meaning to the word 'holy'. God is just and abhors sin. He is pure and undefiled. He is to be feared and revered. He is sovereign and all-powerful. He is the Supreme Being and Divine Potentate. He is Jehovah-Elohim, the Lord God. God is perfection and He is fearsome.
God is forgetful. The God who knows all things forgets the sin of anyone who confesses. He is love, so His forgiveness is complete. He is Jehovah-M'Kaddesh, the God who sanctifies. The most loathsome sinner can repent and God will remember his wrongdoing no more, for it is covered by Christ's blood. He buries it in the sea of forgetfulness, never to be brought up again. God forgets.
God is faithful. When He forgets a person's sin, He remains with them forever. He will not leave them nor forsake them, ever. God is enamored by His children and wants to be near them. He watches over them and guides their every step. He is Jehovah-Shammah, God is present. God is faithful.
God is a Friend. Though He is the King of kings and Lord of lords, He has made Himself approachable and He is a Friend to anyone who will let Him. He is Jehovah-Jireh, the Lord will provide. He provides a confidant and companion. He loves to commune with His creation. He delights in His people as a father does his children. God is a friend and He is the best Friend anyone could have.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Love Letter

Dear Child,
I want you to know how just much I love you. In the beginning when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit of Eden and ruined the perfect relationship you and I could have had, I was grieved because I knew things would never be the same. However, my love for you goes deeper than sin; I wasn't willing to give you up.
I wanted to bear the burdens you bear, endure the trials you endure and face the temptations you face, so I came to earth as a small human baby. I was born in a cold, filthy stable, to a peasant couple. My first cradle was a feeding trough and animals welcomed me into the world I had created. My angels were sent to make my arrival known to low-class shepherds, so that you would know that I am no respecter of persons. Royalty and religious leaders were left unaware that Yahweh had stepped from glory into a world filled with vileness and utter despair.
As a young child Herod wanted to kill me, so my family moved to a foreign country.
Though my power transcends all powers, I know tyranny, for I grew up under the Romans. I understand heartache; I cried at the tomb of my friend, Lazarus. However, because I am the resurrection and the life, I raised him from the dead. I know rejection because my own people rejected me as a young adult. I understand betrayal; when I needed human companionship the most, my friends abandoned me and turned against me. My love for you was so great that I allowed feeble men to beat me, spit on me, falsely accuse me and nail me to a cross. I know what it's like to be laughed at, ridiculed and mocked. I understand physical pain.
In fact, I even know the suffering and shame that sin brings, for on that cross, I bore all your sin for you, though I was blameless. I love you that much; I didn't want you to get what you really deserve. I know what it is like to feel isolated from God, as though your prayers merely ricochet off Heaven's gates. Before I died, I cried out to God "Why have you forsaken me?" That is anguish you will never feel, because I felt it for you and even in my last hour, you were on my mind.
When I died, the veil in the temple was ripped in two. From top to bottom, proving to the world that it was not man's doing. The Holy of Holies was open and accessible for everyone. I loved you so much I didn't want you to have to go to a priest; I want to talk to you personally. I didn't want you to have to make sacrifices and follow a certain ritual; I made it easy for you to come to me.
I knew that you would need my comfort, guidance and friendship. I had overcome death, vanquished sin and I arose again, the victor over hell itself. My time on earth then was finished. I had accomplished what I came to do and it was time to go home, but my Spirit is always here with you and that is how I speak to you.
When I created life, all the animals and plants, constellations and sunsets, I simply spoke them into existence. When I made you, however, I made you with my own hands, because you are special. I created you in my image, carefully instilling every intricate detail in your personality, body and mind. I didn't mess up, I didn't make any mistakes. I lovingly carved every feature of your face, and it turned out just how I meant it to. I love you so much that only my hands were allowed in your creation. Then I breathed breath into your lungs and placed you in your mother's womb. I put you in the family I wanted you in. You may not understand why, but child, please trust me because I love you.
The world in which you live is far from perfect. So I gave you a Book, with some principles for life, some promises that I will never break and the directions on how to find me. Life for you won't always be easy, but you can talk to me anytime about anything. I like hearing your voice and I want you to call upon me. I love you too much to sleep. I never take a break because you are too important to me and I want to watch over you. I love you when you make good decisions, I love you when you fail, sometimes you can feel My love for you and sometimes you can't, but My love for you is constant, eternal, perfect, unfailing and unconditional.
Because you are human, you were born a sinner, you make mistakes, and when you do I am disappointed. After making such a sacrifice for you, it hurts me when you reject my love, but that doesn't make me love you any less. I only long for you to turn to me, because only I can help you put those things behind you.
I sit now in Heaven, interceding for you at the throne of Almighty God. Please never forget any of this and always remember that nothing can separate you from my love. I'm eager for the day when you come to live with me forever, but please use your time on Earth wisely; I put you there for a reason.

With Unconditional Love,
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit