Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Realms of Glory

All of us have some preconceived mental picture of Heaven. As a kid, I always had an idea of what I thought Heaven was, but then I'd read in Revelation and it sounded so different from what I'd day-dreamed about. To be honest, I would feel...disappointed. Is that awful? We read about the streets of gold, the six-winged creatures full of eyes, the gates of pearl and sometimes, it just doesn't sound that appealing. Jasper and sardine stone is not really what I am striving for. A city surrounded by gem walls and gates of pearl aren't exactly what paradise is to me. We know, of course, that being in God's presence is enough, but in my finite mind, I just wonder...

With the cherubim and seraphim all praising God, with the beasts all surrounding the throne, will I be able to approach the Savior I love? Will I wait a thousand years and one day to touch the scars on Christ's hand and look into His smiling eyes? Are we Christians going to float about in wispy white gowns and play harps?

Sometimes I hope that at some point in eternity, the forever that we can't comprehend, that I can dance on the clouds, singing praise to my best Friend. I hope I can climb a rainbow, then slide back down into the arms of Christ. I hope I can fly, so I can soar through the stars, still marveling at God's creation. I hope I can ride a storm cloud and watch the lightning from above for once. "That's impossible", you scoff. So is resurrection from the grave. In the words of Max Lucado "Impossible is God's favorite word." I hope there are flowers in Heaven, more beautiful than any on earth. I hope there are hills and woods that I can run through, no longer bound by time and physical weakness. I hope I can make beautiful music for my Yahweh. I hope my mansion has diamond prisms that will reflect the light of God's glory. I wonder if there will be colors that we don't know about yet, I wonder if we'll be able to breathe underwater.

I hope that I recognize friends and family. I have to believe that if God is so concerned with relationships while we are on earth then when we get to Heaven relationships is going to be the reoccurring theme. The Bible tells us that God will say to those faithful Christians "Well done, thou good and faithful servant." That's singular, not plural. He isn't going to gather all the saints in a huge assembly and say "Welcome home, good and faithful servants." But He is going to talk to ALL of us individually.

If God is creative and powerful enough to create each of us so very diversely, isn't it possible that he could create Heaven with enough different features for each of us? He had every one of us in mind as He prepared a home for us.

He is "able to do exceeding, abundantly above all that you could ask or think" so let your imagination run wild. You won't be disappointed.