Sunday, January 11, 2009

Misplaced Ardor

I like God.

He's neat. I love learning about Him. I love that He is fathomless and that I can never know everything about Him. Yet, He reveals Himself to us in little pieces that, to my mind at least, are SO profound. I love when someone or something makes me think of another aspect of God or even of an old truth in a new way. I love talking about Him, writing about Him, reading about Him, thinking about Him.

However due to all of this, I have, in my priorities, replaced my relationship WITH God for learning ABOUT Him. I got focused on the study of God so I slacked off in talking TO Him and listening for His voice. I so enjoyed the theology and loved the meditation but I wasn't IN love with Christ, which is what I want so badly. Now mind you, this wasn't premeditated or intentional. I suppose that I felt that because I had talked about God or written a blog about Him that I had been WITH Him. Thus, prayer and Bible reading times became few and far between. I might would tell you just HOW scarce they were, save for fear of excommunication.

I still love writing and talking about my Lord, after all He is my everything, but I am aspiring to give my relationship with Him first place.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Mere Christianity, a must read

In C.S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity, he takes us on an intellectual journey, strewn with striking metaphors that even the most unlearned mind can comprehend. This odyssey tears down all our preconceptions about theology and God to bring us face to face with raw, unadulterated truth. Common sense and logic join with perspicaciousness to reveal to us a new and fresh picture of a very old, and many times misunderstood, religion. Starting out without the assumption of a God, Lewis’s practical yet intellectual analogies brings us to the conclusion that there is indeed a God, and that His way is real and works.
“Creatures are not born with desires unless satisfaction for those desires exists…If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world…Probably earthly pleasures were never meant to satisfy it, but only to arouse it, to suggest the real thing.” This is one of my favorite excerpts from the book. It makes perfect sense, yet on my own I most likely would have never thought of it like that.
I’ve grown up in church, surrounded by Christianity, but I’ve never been forced to think through what I believe and see why it was true. Mere Christianity made me think and discover new truths. It helped me form beliefs and opinions. It took me down the path of Christianity and philosophy. In the end, I came to an improved and deeper knowledge and understanding of the faith I hold dear.