Sunday, January 11, 2009

Misplaced Ardor

I like God.

He's neat. I love learning about Him. I love that He is fathomless and that I can never know everything about Him. Yet, He reveals Himself to us in little pieces that, to my mind at least, are SO profound. I love when someone or something makes me think of another aspect of God or even of an old truth in a new way. I love talking about Him, writing about Him, reading about Him, thinking about Him.

However due to all of this, I have, in my priorities, replaced my relationship WITH God for learning ABOUT Him. I got focused on the study of God so I slacked off in talking TO Him and listening for His voice. I so enjoyed the theology and loved the meditation but I wasn't IN love with Christ, which is what I want so badly. Now mind you, this wasn't premeditated or intentional. I suppose that I felt that because I had talked about God or written a blog about Him that I had been WITH Him. Thus, prayer and Bible reading times became few and far between. I might would tell you just HOW scarce they were, save for fear of excommunication.

I still love writing and talking about my Lord, after all He is my everything, but I am aspiring to give my relationship with Him first place.


Rissy said...

ardor-great warmth of feeling, intense devotion.
Jewelie liked your blog title :)

Sharlyn said...

Well, your secret is out! I discovered your blog! It is so awesome! I love reading your thoughts. You are such a ray of sunhine to me. Keep making good choices! Love ya. Shar