Dear Child,
I want you to know how just much I love you. In the beginning when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit of Eden and ruined the perfect relationship you and I could have had, I was grieved because I knew things would never be the same. However, my love for you goes deeper than sin; I wasn't willing to give you up.
I wanted to bear the burdens you bear, endure the trials you endure and face the temptations you face, so I came to earth as a small human baby. I was born in a cold, filthy stable, to a peasant couple. My first cradle was a feeding trough and animals welcomed me into the world I had created. My angels were sent to make my arrival known to low-class shepherds, so that you would know that I am no respecter of persons. Royalty and religious leaders were left unaware that Yahweh had stepped from glory into a world filled with vileness and utter despair.
As a young child Herod wanted to kill me, so my family moved to a foreign country. Though my power transcends all powers, I know tyranny, for I grew up under the Romans. I understand heartache; I cried at the tomb of my friend, Lazarus. However, because I am the resurrection and the life, I raised him from the dead. I know rejection because my own people rejected me as a young adult. I understand betrayal; when I needed human companionship the most, my friends abandoned me and turned against me. My love for you was so great that I allowed feeble men to beat me, spit on me, falsely accuse me and nail me to a cross. I know what it's like to be laughed at, ridiculed and mocked. I understand physical pain.
In fact, I even know the suffering and shame that sin brings, for on that cross, I bore all your sin for you, though I was blameless. I love you that much; I didn't want you to get what you really deserve. I know what it is like to feel isolated from God, as though your prayers merely ricochet off Heaven's gates. Before I died, I cried out to God "Why have you forsaken me?" That is anguish you will never feel, because I felt it for you and even in my last hour, you were on my mind.
When I died, the veil in the temple was ripped in two. From top to bottom, proving to the world that it was not man's doing. The Holy of Holies was open and accessible for everyone. I loved you so much I didn't want you to have to go to a priest; I want to talk to you personally. I didn't want you to have to make sacrifices and follow a certain ritual; I made it easy for you to come to me.
I knew that you would need my comfort, guidance and friendship. I had overcome death, vanquished sin and I arose again, the victor over hell itself. My time on earth then was finished. I had accomplished what I came to do and it was time to go home, but my Spirit is always here with you and that is how I speak to you.
When I created life, all the animals and plants, constellations and sunsets, I simply spoke them into existence. When I made you, however, I made you with my own hands, because you are special. I created you in my image, carefully instilling every intricate detail in your personality, body and mind. I didn't mess up, I didn't make any mistakes. I lovingly carved every feature of your face, and it turned out just how I meant it to. I love you so much that only my hands were allowed in your creation. Then I breathed breath into your lungs and placed you in your mother's womb. I put you in the family I wanted you in. You may not understand why, but child, please trust me because I love you.
The world in which you live is far from perfect. So I gave you a Book, with some principles for life, some promises that I will never break and the directions on how to find me. Life for you won't always be easy, but you can talk to me anytime about anything. I like hearing your voice and I want you to call upon me. I love you too much to sleep. I never take a break because you are too important to me and I want to watch over you. I love you when you make good decisions, I love you when you fail, sometimes you can feel My love for you and sometimes you can't, but My love for you is constant, eternal, perfect, unfailing and unconditional.
Because you are human, you were born a sinner, you make mistakes, and when you do I am disappointed. After making such a sacrifice for you, it hurts me when you reject my love, but that doesn't make me love you any less. I only long for you to turn to me, because only I can help you put those things behind you.
I sit now in Heaven, interceding for you at the throne of Almighty God. Please never forget any of this and always remember that nothing can separate you from my love. I'm eager for the day when you come to live with me forever, but please use your time on Earth wisely; I put you there for a reason.
I want you to know how just much I love you. In the beginning when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit of Eden and ruined the perfect relationship you and I could have had, I was grieved because I knew things would never be the same. However, my love for you goes deeper than sin; I wasn't willing to give you up.
I wanted to bear the burdens you bear, endure the trials you endure and face the temptations you face, so I came to earth as a small human baby. I was born in a cold, filthy stable, to a peasant couple. My first cradle was a feeding trough and animals welcomed me into the world I had created. My angels were sent to make my arrival known to low-class shepherds, so that you would know that I am no respecter of persons. Royalty and religious leaders were left unaware that Yahweh had stepped from glory into a world filled with vileness and utter despair.
As a young child Herod wanted to kill me, so my family moved to a foreign country. Though my power transcends all powers, I know tyranny, for I grew up under the Romans. I understand heartache; I cried at the tomb of my friend, Lazarus. However, because I am the resurrection and the life, I raised him from the dead. I know rejection because my own people rejected me as a young adult. I understand betrayal; when I needed human companionship the most, my friends abandoned me and turned against me. My love for you was so great that I allowed feeble men to beat me, spit on me, falsely accuse me and nail me to a cross. I know what it's like to be laughed at, ridiculed and mocked. I understand physical pain.
In fact, I even know the suffering and shame that sin brings, for on that cross, I bore all your sin for you, though I was blameless. I love you that much; I didn't want you to get what you really deserve. I know what it is like to feel isolated from God, as though your prayers merely ricochet off Heaven's gates. Before I died, I cried out to God "Why have you forsaken me?" That is anguish you will never feel, because I felt it for you and even in my last hour, you were on my mind.
When I died, the veil in the temple was ripped in two. From top to bottom, proving to the world that it was not man's doing. The Holy of Holies was open and accessible for everyone. I loved you so much I didn't want you to have to go to a priest; I want to talk to you personally. I didn't want you to have to make sacrifices and follow a certain ritual; I made it easy for you to come to me.
I knew that you would need my comfort, guidance and friendship. I had overcome death, vanquished sin and I arose again, the victor over hell itself. My time on earth then was finished. I had accomplished what I came to do and it was time to go home, but my Spirit is always here with you and that is how I speak to you.
When I created life, all the animals and plants, constellations and sunsets, I simply spoke them into existence. When I made you, however, I made you with my own hands, because you are special. I created you in my image, carefully instilling every intricate detail in your personality, body and mind. I didn't mess up, I didn't make any mistakes. I lovingly carved every feature of your face, and it turned out just how I meant it to. I love you so much that only my hands were allowed in your creation. Then I breathed breath into your lungs and placed you in your mother's womb. I put you in the family I wanted you in. You may not understand why, but child, please trust me because I love you.
The world in which you live is far from perfect. So I gave you a Book, with some principles for life, some promises that I will never break and the directions on how to find me. Life for you won't always be easy, but you can talk to me anytime about anything. I like hearing your voice and I want you to call upon me. I love you too much to sleep. I never take a break because you are too important to me and I want to watch over you. I love you when you make good decisions, I love you when you fail, sometimes you can feel My love for you and sometimes you can't, but My love for you is constant, eternal, perfect, unfailing and unconditional.
Because you are human, you were born a sinner, you make mistakes, and when you do I am disappointed. After making such a sacrifice for you, it hurts me when you reject my love, but that doesn't make me love you any less. I only long for you to turn to me, because only I can help you put those things behind you.
I sit now in Heaven, interceding for you at the throne of Almighty God. Please never forget any of this and always remember that nothing can separate you from my love. I'm eager for the day when you come to live with me forever, but please use your time on Earth wisely; I put you there for a reason.
With Unconditional Love,
The Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Wow. I am quite impressed.
Very touching.
Good post
I've been blog surfing and found all the freshman's blogs (I guess for English Comp). I really enjoyed reading this last blog. Heidi, I'm encouraged and challenged by your passion for God!
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